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NYT: ABD Başkanı Biden, Rusya, Çin ve Kuzey Kore ile nükleer çatışmaya hazırlanma talimatı verdi | Dış Haberler
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  • NYT: ABD Başkanı Biden, Rusya, Çin ve Kuzey Kore ile nükleer çatışmaya hazırlanma talimatı verdi | Dış Haberler
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NYT: ABD Başkanı Biden, Rusya, Çin ve Kuzey Kore ile nükleer çatışmaya hazırlanma talimatı verdi | Dış Haberler

ABD Başkanı Joe Biden'ın Amerikan ordusuna Rusya, Çin ve Kuzey Kore ile olası koordineli nükleer çatışmalara hazırlanma talimatı verdiği ileri sürüldü

Ağustos 21, 2024 07:45
NYT: ABD Başkanı Biden, Rusya, Çin ve Kuzey Kore ile nükleer çatışmaya hazırlanma talimatı verdi | Dış Haberler



The New York Times (NYT) reported that President Biden has approved a classified document outlining a new nuclear strategy that prioritizes countering the “China threat.”

According to the report, Biden’s revamped deterrence strategy, approved in March, specifically focuses on China’s rapidly expanding nuclear capabilities and weaponry. The article claims Biden has directed the U.S. military to prepare for potential coordinated nuclear conflicts with Russia, China, and North Korea.

The White House has not publicly acknowledged Biden’s decision. The report states that the strategy document, known as the “Nuclear Posture Review,” details plans to counter potential coordinated nuclear threats from Russia, China, and North Korea.

The document, updated every four years, is classified as “top secret” and therefore does not exist in electronic form. The NYT states that printed copies are distributed to a limited number of national security officials and high-ranking commanders within the Pentagon.

The report also mentions that Pranay Vaddi, the senior director for arms control and nonproliferation on the National Security Council, alluded to this document in June. Vaddi reportedly spoke of the necessity to deter Russia, China, and North Korea “simultaneously.”

The NYT further quotes Vipin Narang, a nuclear strategy expert and former Pentagon employee, who stated that Biden has released an “updated nuclear weapons use manual.”

*Image courtesy of AA.

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